What Puppy Supplies Do I Need?

If you’re about to welcome a new furry friend into your family, we’re sure that you’ll be eagerly preparing for their arrival in any way that you can! However, the list of supplies that you’ll need in your home ahead of your new pup moving in is fairly extensive, so it’s easy to worry that you might have forgotten something.


To make things a little easier for you, here’s our list of puppy supplies to stock up on before you bring your new puppy to live with you!


Puppy Food

There are plenty of different puppy food brands out there and, just like humans, certain foods just won’t be to your puppy’s taste! It might be a case of trial and error finding the one that they like best, but make sure that you’ve stocked up on a high-quality puppy food ahead of their arrival.



At least two – one for food and one for water. However, it’s good to make sure that your pup has water available wherever they go, so you’re best getting a few different bowls, one for each room that they’ll likely spend a lot of time in.



Small ones! These are best for training purposes – make sure they’re specifically for puppies and not for adult dogs, too.


Dental Chews

Your puppy’s oral hygiene is just as important as a human’s, so make sure it’s taken care of with some edible dental chews or a chew toy that can be filled with a little puppy toothpaste each day.


Puppy Pads

There’ll probably be a few accidents early on, so puppy pads are always good to have around! You’ll be surprised how quickly your puppy takes to using these rather than doing their business on the kitchen floor.


Bed & Blanket

It’s best to train your puppy early on to use their own bed rather than trying to climb into yours! There are plenty of great dog beds out there for dogs of all different sizes.



If you’re planning to keep your puppy in a cage overnight at first to prevent them from getting up to no good while you’re asleep, make sure that it’s large enough so that they have plenty of room to move around and that you make it as comfortable for them as possible.



It’s incredibly important that you puppy-proof your home before their arrival to make sure that your house is totally safe for your new furry friend! A baby-gate is a great tool for this, as it will stop your puppy from being able to run up and downstairs or into any rooms that you’d rather keep them out of.



Stock up on a special puppy shampoo so that your puppy comes away from every bath with a lovely, soft coat! Try to get a puppy-specific one, as these are often gentler on the skin.



You’ll also need a brush or comb to keep their fur clean on a day-to-day basis in between baths. The kind that you need will depend on the breed your dog is, so do a little research to determine which one is best for you.



Clicker training can be a great way of teaching your new puppy a thing or two, as it is a tool used in mark and reward training. The idea is essentially that the clicker is used before you give your dog a training treat to reward good behaviour, and can be used to wean them away from the treats later down the line.


Collar & Nametag

Get a strong collar that can be used when walking your puppy on their lead, as well as having a tag engraved with their name and your contact details so that your puppy can be returned to you safely in the case that they ever get lost.


Extending Lead

An extendable lead will come in very handy when teaching your dog good behaviour whilst out on walks. It can be kept short as you walk to train them to stay close-by and can be extended fully to let them run around whilst still teaching them to come back when you call their name.


Poo Bags

It goes without saying that if they make a mess during a walk, you’ll need to clean it up! You may also want to pick up a pouch to keep them in whilst you and your puppy are out and about on a walk.



While your puppy is teething, you’ll find that they might try and chew on things around the house that definitely aren’t intended for them! Picking up some puppy chews is always the best way to distract them from shoes, rugs, furniture and anything else that they might try to sink their teeth into. Applying a no-chew spray to these items could also prove very helpful.



You didn’t think we’d forgotten, did you? Make sure you pick up a few toys for your puppy, as they’re bound to be very playful as soon as they have settled in. Try to get a good selection of plush toys, chew toys, squeaky toys and balls that will keep them busy during the day.


It’s normal to find down the line that you’ll need other supplies for your dog, especially as they grow a little, but this list contains all the essentials that you’ll need to keep your puppy fed, clean and happy as they settle in to their new home.

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